12/17/2018 Make the UN democratic!Revised 2006 April 23. Newer version soon!
The creation of the United Nations Organisation (UN or UNO) in 1945 was a great advance. Unfortunately, the promise of world peace hasn't yet been fulfilled. The main reason, which is rarely even mentioned, is that the organisation is totally undemocratic. Each delegate to the UN is now appointed by the government of their country. Some of those national governments are quite democratic; some are dictatorships; and many are in-between. No UN delegate has ever been elected by the people whom that delegate supposedly represents. Which country will be daring enough to be the first to do that? We need just one country "to get the ball rolling". The UN Charter doesn't prohibit that. That should be done with a ranked ballot during a national general election. Below is my full, simple plan to make the UN very democratic. It does require amending the UN Charter and maybe amending the constitutions of some of the member countries. 12/7/2018 Trump the HippieTrump the Hippie
14 minutes of his funniest bits on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fd6_pHQJvBI (12th Peace Rally) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Trump the Hippie 6 new episodes on YouTube ! ‘Yuge’ peace rallies with Donald Trump, the first psychedelic USA president! Love him or hate him, get high on this political improv comedy-drama! A good complement to Roseanne’s revived TV show. Ralph Nader said that Trump is the best thing that ever happened to the Republican Party! The Donald hates hate, war, racism, sexism, poverty, pollution, and addiction. That’s fictional, fake—or is it? Parody? Praise? Fantasy? Trump gets high naturally, and so will you, watching these! Sorry, no nudity. Each show and appearance is different. Trump answers many audience questions. Episodes 3 to 8 are new, about an hour each: YouTube . com 'Trump the Hippie': https :// www. youtube .com/watch?v=jWVW84THeVo&list=PLYzyxhZIXc_NuxqMnEupdRKMz9DwpiamU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWVW84THeVo&list=PLYzyxhZIXc_NuxqMnEupdRKMz9DwpiamU Please watch, share, and help them 'go viral’! Episodes 1 and 2 are shorter and rougher: DailyMotion . com Also join our fun, non-partisan group: Hip Talk about Donald Trump in Facebook . com To best understand Trump, read Scott Adams’ blog and podcast: 2011 April 20, 2015 March 31 and May 21 to now. Get Trump the Hippie for your event! He will brave any questions—and debate anyone! Trump’s agent, Korky Day: Korky . ca KorkyDay @ yahoo . com Love and peace! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Trump the Hippie's 11th Peace Rally in Vancouver Hood29 Variety Show -- 2019 March 27. Facebook page Hood29 Comedy or [email protected] Trump the Hippie isn’t exactly a comedian, though many people laugh at the president, especially sissy pinko scum Yankees—and Canadians, who are about the same. He will rally the peaceniks against war, hate, and other humourless habits. Laugh at him, with him, or just sit there and stew in your Trump Derangement Syndrome. Being the most courageous and humble genius president ever, he will answer all of your questions and insults. Watch 6 ‘Trump the Hippie ’ videos on YouTube.com ! Read and join the Facebook.com group: Hip Talk about Donald Trump! Learn from Scott Adams’ great blog and podcast, 2015+! Invite Trump the Hippie to your event: Korky.ca [email protected] ! 6 New Videos Online! Videos of the comedy-drama play Trump the Hippie, Episodes 3 to 8, are now at YouTube.com . Watch them, laugh, think, and spread the word! You’ll understand the psychedelic president as never before. Each show is different, with many different audience questions. Around an hour each. They star me. The rougher and shorter Episodes 1 and 2 are at DailyMotion.com . There are no published reviews of the shows yet. The media would not mention the live shows. Why not even the ‘alternative’ media? Because we are in a new era of conformist, party-line thinking. Most people, including progressives, are afraid of being called racist or sexist or Hitler, except in the privacy of the voting booth. A revived ‘free speech’ movement now is trying to promote open discussion, as happened at the University of California, Berkeley, in the mid-1960s. The free speech revival is just getting off the ground, and suffers from being labelled and libelled as just a bunch of right-wing fascists, etc. Of course, by definition, all are welcome to express their views, no matter how wrong, as long as they don’t promote violence. Drawing that line is difficult, though. And many are very hypocritical about violence. The USA is very proud of winning some wars. President Obama is proud of assassinating Osama bin Laden. Neither he nor any government of the USA has declared war since 1941, so why has it been killing around the world constantly since World War 2? If you watch the Trump the Hippie videos and don’t laugh very much, there is a problem. Try to feel the play as a psychedelic experience. Similarly, at first, the hilarious movie The Blues Brothers was given lukewarm ratings by square reviewers. Life as a whole is a farce, a gas. It’s a scream. Shakespeare. This show’s concept was heavily inspired by the humourist Scott Adams, who writes the famous Dilbert comic. Read his semi-serious blog from 2015 May 21 to now: http://blog.Dilbert.com Don’t mistake psycho-active drugs as the only way, or even a good way, to experience psychedelia. Trump the Hippie explains that point himself in some of his shows. He is very anti-drug, as his older brother, Fred Trump, died young from psycho-active drugs, namely alcohol and nicotine. Donald Trump might be the most misunderstood world leader ever. How can he keep confounding the ‘experts’ and breaking all the ‘rules’ and remain effective in office? You in the media owe it to yourselves to get ahead of the biases, hype, and myths. Not even very many of his supporters and his underlings understand him, yet! Will you? I’ll promote your published review, favourable or not. ============================================================= Ignore Donald Trump! If no one pays attention to him, maybe he will quit! Don’t even laugh at him or slam him—he’s too disgusting. Boycott Trump the Hippie and his free, yuge, psychedelic peace-rally 2018 December 14. Brian Scott Fine Arts, 2227 Granville Street (at 6th Avenue), Vancouver, BC. Attending will only encourage him and make him think he really is a good president. Defeat the stupid racist sexist fascist by staying home and doing absolutely nothing! The rally won’t be funny, inspiring, educational, or enlightening, either to his opponents or to his supporters. Even if you went to the rally and asked him really tough questions, he would probably just have you expelled, anyway. Don’t even bother! There probably won’t even be enough chairs and you’ll have to bring a chair or a pillow! Instead, keep yourself pure! Stick your head into the sand! Don’t watch his 6 Trump the Hippie videos on YouTube, either! Don’t join the Facebook group ‘Hip Talk about Donald Trump’! Avert our eyes from Scott Adams’ blog and podcast! Never book Trump the Hippie for your event with Korky . ca KorkyDay @ yahoo . com ! Love and peace! facebook. com/events/303334770508278/ by Korky Day.
Revised 2011 Aug 10. A short introduction When I see my fellow poor people lining up to cash in huge bags of bottles and cans for a few cents each, I always think, “People with that much drive and initiative surely could work for pay, at least as a casual labourer, if anyone would hire them.” My proposed programme to hire almost all applicants is called Guaranteed Jobs (GJ). Canada and most countries now have a political-economic system which is unlikely to hire any of the poorest people--ever, even during so-called labour shortages. We never have better than about 5% unemployment officially. Unofficially, it’s likely closer to 20%, maybe 4 million in Canada. Of that 20%, the people suffering the most will hardly notice the ups and downs of the economy because most of them are permanently exiled from wage labour. Work should not be required; that’s slavery. Work should not be a privilege; that’s the present fatal failed system in Canada and almost all countries. Rather, the third way is to make work a right, as proposed in 1944 by USA President Franklin Roosevelt just before he died. Have jobs always been scarce? No, it’s a recent development of the human race. Is that how it always will be? Only as long as we allow it. A very few politically and economically powerful people think that they benefit by forcing idleness. However, my Guaranteed Jobs proposal will end up helping everyone: the poor, directly; and the rich, indirectly. The plan requires federal funding because the localities which need it most can afford it least. India now has a government programme of guaranteeing some citizens the right of 100 hours a year of paid work. In the old Soviet bloc, no one was involuntarily without paid work other than prisoners and dissidents. The USSR accomplished full employment for about seven decades. Yet now, neither the former Soviet bloc nor the wealthiest countries in the world guarantee anyone any work. Why not? Is it considered too socialistic, or is it that such a system would be too expensive? In truth, it would be neither. Canadians are willing to pay some "welfare", even though the recipients don't work for the money, so surely they also would favour adding the less generous option of letting everyone work who wanted to. That should appeal to almost everyone, even those who resent government give-aways. Neither would a Guaranteed Jobs scheme be too expensive, according to my research. In fact, the whole economy would be buoyed and stabilized by Guaranteed Jobs, benefiting everyone. Instead of bailing out just the fat cats (as government does), bailing out the poor and jobless would inject massive amounts of money directly into the businesses serving those poor. That includes grocers and apartment owners, many of whom are rich. That would boost the rental housing industry and create housing for the homeless. That would be much faster than the occasional direct government funding of mere dozens of new housing units. The cost of Guaranteed Jobs would more than pay for itself. We can add up the huge savings in many sectors, both public and private, such as in health care and in the costs of family instability. Consider one of those areas of savings: crime. If everyone can work for pay anytime they want, many fewer would turn to crime for money or to rioting in anger. So the whole society would save on the tremendous governmental and private costs of theft, alcoholism, drug trafficking, vandalism, criminal gangs, prostitution, and so on. For instance, addicts would have an incentive to reduce their intoxication so that they could work. Canadians feel very guilty and distraught seeing people begging and freezing on the streets. We want to do something, but are afraid of making matters worse by giving money to beggars. Some generous people will buy a local "street" paper or ladle out soup for a charity, which help. However, what about the other millions of unemployed? Most poor people would rather work, even for minimum wage and part time, than get welfare only. The private sector, though, has no financial incentive for hiring the least "employable". They never want to hire those who they think are the worst workers. But those people could work at jobs such as picking weeds instead of the labour-saving practice of poisoning weeds on park lawns. Mothers could work part-time walking groups of neighbourhood children to and from school (which saves a lot of fuel, too). Such job options would reduce the severe financial penalties for breastfeeding mothers. Some people, even if disabled, could be transit guides, riding each bus and subway car. They would help passengers and report problems. The plan also guarantees no reductions in the present number of regular government jobs. I have a long list of jobs that could be offered with this plan. Contact the author for more about Guaranteed Jobs. (c) 2010 and 2011 by Korky Day, korkyday [at] yahoo [dot] com . Revised from the article in Megaphone (2010 December 31, page 16; Vancouver, BC, Canada) and Victoria Street Newz (2011 February, page 1; Victoria, BC). End of article about Guaranteed Jobs. |
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